For Ministers Seeking Credentials…

Ministers are men and women called of God to serve the church in an official leadership capacity who normally have special education for such a ministry, whose leadership roles are certified through licensure or ordination, and who receive financial remuneration for their services. This includes ministers such as pastors, evangelists, Christian education or youth ministers, chaplains, or persons directly involved in the theological training of people for ministry.

Ministerial Categories and Procedures for Credentials

  1. Establish membership in a local Missionary Church;

  2. Counsel with their pastor and regional superintendent as to the nature and condition of their call from God to the ministry;

  3. Receive an official recommendation from the board of their local church; and

  4. Submit a completed Application for Ministerial License Part I to the regional director for consideration by their Regional Executive Board.

Licensed MinisterS

Licensed ministers are those whose ministerial calling and gifts have been formally recognized by a regional conference, through the granting of a ministerial license, authorizing them for and appointing them to actual service in the ministry, subject to supervision and evaluation, as a step toward ordination.

Ordained Ministers

Ordained ministers are those whose calling, gifts, and usefulness have been demonstrated and enhanced by proper training and experience, and who have been separated to the service of Christ by the regional conference and by the solemn act of ordination and thus have been fully invested with all the functions of the Christian ministry.

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